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Tips And Tricks For Dealing With Student Loans

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Posted on: 09/03/22

Are you about to embark on your college career, but worry the costs will be unmanageable? If so, you are like countless other prospective scholars who will need to secure student loans of one type or another. Keep reading to learn how to get the right terms so that your financial future remains promising.

Know your grace periods so you dont miss your first student loan payments after graduating college. Stafford loans typically give you six months before starting payments, but Perkins loans might go nine. Private loans are going to have repayment grace periods of their own choosing, so read the fine print for each particular loan.

Never ignore your student loans because that will not make them go away. If you are having a hard time paying the money back, call and speak to your lender about it. If your loan becomes past due for too long, the lender can have your wages garnished and/or have your tax refunds seized.

If you plan to prepay your loans, try to pay those with the highest interest rates first. If your payment is based on what loans are the highest or lowest, theres a chance youll be owing more at the end.

Paying your student loans helps you build a good credit rating. Conversely, not paying them can destroy your credit rating. Not only that, if you dont pay for nine months, you will ow the entire balance. When this happens the government can keep your tax refunds and/or garnish your wages in an effort to collect. Avoid all this trouble by making timely payments.

If at all possible, sock away extra money toward the principal amount. The key is to notify your lender that the additional money must be applied toward the principal. Otherwise, the money will be applied to your future interest payments. Over time, paying down the principal will lower your interest payments.

Try getting your student loans paid off in a 10-year period. This is the traditional repayment period that you should be able to achieve after graduation. If you struggle with payments, there are 20 and 30-year repayment periods. The drawback to these is that they will make you pay more in interest.

To keep your student loan load low, find housing that is as reasonable as possible. While dormitory rooms are convenient, they are often more costly than apartments near campus. The more money you have to borrow, the more your principal will be -- and the more you will have to pay out over the life of the loan.

Take advantage of student loan repayment calculators to test different payment amounts and plans. Plug in this data to your monthly budget and see which seems most doable. Which option gives you room to save for emergencies? Are there any options that leave no room for error? When there is a threat of defaulting on your loans, its always best to err on the side of caution.


Exercise caution when considering student loan consolidation. Yes, it will likely reduce the amount of each monthly payment. However, it also means youll be paying on your loans for many years to come. This can have an adverse impact on your credit score. As a result, you may have difficulty securing loans to purchase a home or vehicle.

If college is on the horizon, and your finances are too modest to cover the expenses, take heart. By spending some time exploring the ins and outs of the student loan industry, you will be able to find the solutions you need. Do your homework now and ensure your ability to repay your loans later.

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