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Seeking Knowledge About Wordpress? You Need To Read This Article!

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Total visits: 3196
Posted on: 09/11/22

Successful bloggers everywhere are familiar with the ability of Wordpress to provide an easy way to produce straightforward, valuable sites. However, if you are new to the world of blogs, you may still need to educate yourself on this particular platform. Keep on reading to get some great information on the fundamentals of Wordpress.

Remember to make your sidebar as concise and clean as possible. You dont want it to be full of 100 links, ads and buttons. Instead, only put what is important in your sidebar and, if you need more links, put them into submenus which appear when the user mouses over your main menu.

Set a publishing time for your blog posts. When editing an article for publication, you can select when it will be published. Its a good idea to set regular updates for a specific date and time. To really stay on top of keeping your blog up to date, put your blog posts in ahead of time and let WordPress post them to your blog for you.

Remember that the title and description of each page on your site is what many other sites will use to categorize your link and share it with the world. For example, it will be what Google shows when someone searches for a site such as your own. Fill them with SEO key phrases and make sure there are no typos.

Allow all of the users that visit your site the ability to comment using Facebook. This is a very important tool that will get your name across to hundreds of thousands of people. The Simple Facebook Connect plugin can be used if you want to install this feature on your site.

Use the "ABC" button to spell check your posts before they go live. Many people overlook this ability, but Wordpress can spell check your work for you. This ensures that you continue to give off a professional look with your posts and yet you dont have to use a separate program to do so.

You are unable to change the images sizes yourself if your site has its own gallery plugin. The gallery plugin automatically sets the sizes of the images, and you dont actually have any control over this. If you really need the image sizes changed, ask your developer to help you change the settings.

Never use the term "admin" or anything similar for your username. When you are showing as "admin", your site has a higher chance of being targeted by bots. This creates an unnecessary security risk. Be sure to delete usernames containing "admin" or "administrator". Pick a different username.

When you are choosing a Wordpress template to use, pick something that gets frequent updates. You do not want to use a template whose creator has abandoned updates because sometimes you have to address security issues. A creator who is proactive in updating his template will give you a better product.

If you want to have a landing page as the front page of your site, you will first need to create a "home" page and then a second page for your blog. Next, go into Reading Settings and click the static page radio button. Choose your home page for the front page and your blog page for the posts page.

Bloggers have long seen the great value and utility inherent in the platform known as Wordpress. If you are planning to begin blogging yourself, you owe it to yourself to take a close look at what Wordpress can do for you, provided you understand how to use it well. The information above ought to have given you a great start.

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